Valentine’s Day Flower Bouquet


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Valentine’s Day Flower Bouquet

The Valentine’s Day flower bouquet is a unique and enchanting creation, featuring a 22 cm wooden hoop as its base. The hoop is elegantly wrapped in luxurious red silk ribbon, adding a touch of sophistication and romance to the arrangement. The choice of a dreamcatcher design adds an ethereal and whimsical element to the bouquet, creating a captivating and symbolic display.

The focal point of this arrangement is the meticulously arranged red and white roses. These beautiful blooms are carefully interspersed throughout the dreamcatcher, creating a visually striking contrast between the deep, passionate red and the pure, delicate white. The red roses symbolize love and passion, while the white roses represent purity and innocence, combining to convey a powerful message of love and commitment.

The wooden hoop, wrapped in the rich red silk ribbon, serves as a perfect frame for the radiant roses. The ribbon not only enhances the overall aesthetic but also provides a seamless transition between the dreamcatcher design and the lush floral elements. The combination of the dreamcatcher and the roses creates a harmonious and romantic composition.

This Valentine’s Day bouquet is a thoughtful and artistic expression of love, capturing the essence of romance and weaving together symbolism and beauty. It is a gift that goes beyond the traditional bouquet, offering a unique and memorable way to celebrate the special occasion.

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Accessory choices

white lights, plain, coloured lights


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